
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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The children's learning journey from Early Years to Year Six

Our Berkswich CE RE Learning Journey


Key ideas are repeated within different units over each year and across the year groups. Children, parents and carers are able to view these journeys in the children's books to understand where their learning is headed; the children are able to look back on their journey to continue to build on previous learning and to make new connections. 



You will note that the Early Years prepares the way ahead to provide the opportunity to: develop a growing sense of awareness of self and their own community, encounter the diversity of faiths and world views represented in their own community and in Great Britain. Children develop a wide religious vocabulary and an awareness of the diverse nature of the world around them. Their learning opportunities provides a structure in which to develop learning into Key Stage One and beyond. 


Please click on the pdf below to view a full-quality version. 

To learn more about the concepts threaded throughout the learning, please click here.

To find out more about our intent for the RE curriculum, the RE policy and overviews with summaries of each unit across school, please return to the RE home page.
