
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Art and Craft Successes

Thank you NHS

Sending a Hug

On Wednesday 29th April the children in school had great fun creating a 'Send a Hug' for a member of family or friend that they can't see at the moment. I am sure that relatives and friends will enjoy receiving these in the post and wrapping your hands around them. The children wrote meaningful messages on their hand templates and the heart. 

We have been busy making and sending hugs to our family and friends.

Well done to those of you that have followed Rob Biddulph's tutorials!

Look at the other arts and crafts that we have been busy doing.

Otto has been exploring painting techniques using masking tape. Why don't you have a go at this?

Nancy has been busy painting stones for all her friends that she is missing.

Olivia and her family have had great fun painting stones. They have done so many different designs. A great family activity!

Design Technology
