A little clue to our writing this half term is: "Fee Fi Fo Fum...". The children will continue to learn the structure of a fairy tale, how to write simple sentences using the correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops), using conjunctions in their sentences and how to use adjectives to describe the characters.
We will also focus some writing on a Mystery whole school book. We will also look at how to write a set of instructions.
This half term we will be focusing on Place Value within 50 and continuing to develop the children's mathematical fluency with numbers within 50. This will entail consolidating understanding of number bonds, using the part-whole model to partition tens and ones, recognising one more and one less for numbers up to 50 and comparing both objects and numbers within 50. The children will also begin investigating measurement: length and height; weight and volume.
Reading and Phonics
Phonics continues to be taught every day in 30 minute sessions, using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Phonics activities are engaging, practical and most of all fun! We will continue to consolidate Phase 5 phonemes/ graphemes we have already learnt and also learn some new Phase 5 phonemes/graphemes.
Reading will be delivered in line with the Little Wandle scheme. This involves small groups of children (six or fewer) reading three times per week with an adult in class (Monday-Wednesday). Each of the three sessions focusses on different skills; decoding, prosody and comprehension. The books will then be sent home for from Wednesday and are to be brought home on Monday.
Alongside this, each week a ‘sharing book’ will be sent home with each child. This is to be read with/to your child, to encourage their love of reading and ensure that they are accessing a variety of genres.
Religious Education
The title of our unit in Religious Education this half term is ‘Salvation’ and why it is important to Christians. We will explore some of the key events, traditions and significance to Christians of Easter.
Our topic for Geography is ‘Oceans and Continents’ – Year One will be journeying around the seven continents and across the five oceans to learn more about our glorious world. We will also learn the difference between human and physical features, and be able to recognise some of the most famous of these from each continent.
Our focus in DT is Starter Structures and Frame Structures where will explore what makes a good chair. We will then design one and try and create one.
Our PE focus this half term is going to be gymnastics and be focusing on travelling, balances and applying them into making a sequence. We will also be focusing on Tennis for Net and Wall Games. We we look at the development underarm throwing, catching, changing direction at pace, racket skills and aiming.
We will be exploring "My Relationships". Here we will explore people that we are close to and families. In this we will look at friendly behaviours and being respectful of each other.