
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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The concepts that thread through our RE curriculum

A Visual Representation of Our RE Curriculum


Opportunities for the children to explorereflect and think  (this is termed as engage in KS2) are part of every RE unit of learning, providing opportunities for the children to consider the views of others and develop in their own thinking, attitudes and actions. Within this approach, the key ideas in RE, such as 'beliefs, teaching and sources', are revisited again and again across the year groups to deepen learning and to allow rich connections to be made by the children. 


EYFS and Key Stage One (Nursery to Year Two)


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In EYFS and KS1, children explore, think and reflect throughout RE units and lessons. The areas of learning below will be repeatedly visited to help the children to grow their knowledge and understanding of themselves and others. Children will mainly learn about Christianity and Islam, but will also find out about other world beliefs and ideas.


Beliefs and special books




Learn about stories and think about what they mean to others.

Learn about special people and their teachings.

Find out about special books and how they are read and treated by believers.

Important times and ways of life






Find out about how and when people worship. Why is this important to believers?

Find out how people prepare for festivals. Find out about these celebrations.

Learn about the importance for some people of belonging to a religion. What difference does it make to their lives?

What does it mean?






What special things do people use in worship?

Find out about what happens in worship. Think about what actions mean.

Think carefully about what people believe. Start to understand what stories and symbols mean.

Celebrating differences and belonging







Think about stories to do with belonging to different sorts of communities. Think about what these stories mean to you.

Find out about ways that people live their lives. Ask questions in a respectful way.

Find out about special moments in different people’s lives and how these are celebrated.










Ask questions and think about things that are puzzling or interesting in the world.

Listen to people talk about their relationship with God. Talk to people about what is important to them. Ask them questions.

Think about different stories from special books. What do they mean to believers?

What is important?






Listen to stories about morals and values and think about them carefully. What do you think?

Learn about how people care for others. Why do people act in these ways?

Think about stories from special books and find out what they tell us about people’s feelings about the world we live in.



Key Stage Two (Year Three to Year Six)


Please scroll down to view the pdf versions used by the children.




In Years Three to Years Six, children explore, engage and reflect throughout their RE units and lessons. The areas of learning below are repeatedly visited to help the children to grow their knowledge and understanding of themselves and others. In Key Stage Two, learning focuses on Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, but the children also learn about other world views and beliefs within our units.


Beliefs, teachings and sources









Explore the beginnings of the sacred writings and consider their importance for believers now.

Explore different types of writing found in sacred books.

Explore the life of key religious figures. Link their teachings to what is important to followers.

Explore the meaning of creation stories. How are these important to followers?

Practices and ways of life









Compare and contrast religious practices in different people’s homes.

Identify the main features of worship and talk about why these are important for believers.

Investigate some features of key religious festivals and celebrations. Identify similarities and differences.

Investigate someone who has been inspired by their faith. How does faith affect actions?

Expressing meaning









Explore the symbolism in objects, sounds, images, actions and gestures.

Explore the meaning of religious stories. Reflect on the meaning of key words and phrases.

Compare and contrast the use of symbols, actions and gestures used in worship by different communities.

Identify ways that religions describe God. How do these ideas affect belief and practice?

Identify diversity and belonging










Explore the diversity of religious traditions and world views.

Find out about the activities of a local religious community and make links with religious teachings.

Research some key events in a religious tradition (e.g. Jesus’ birth, life and death). How do these impact believers now?

Investigate the importance for believers of ceremonies that mark special life moments.

Meaning, purpose and truth










Ask questions about issues which cause people to wonder. Investigate some answers in religious writing and books.

Investigate and reflect on a range of religious and world view responses to challenging times.

Investigate stories about God’s relationship with people and suggest how this may help some to make sense of life.

Make links between beliefs and actions and reflect on how this can impact others locally, nationally and internationally.

Values and commitments










Explore rules for living found in sacred writings and teachings. Ask how this impacts the lives of believers.

Investigate ceremonies associated with joining or belonging to a faith community and talk about the meaning of commitment.

Meet different people and discuss their beliefs and values. Ask how their commitment affects their lives.

Explore religious stories and teachings about the environment and identify and reflect on their impact on behaviour.


To learn more about our learning journeys and where these key ideas and concepts are seen throughout the learning, please click here.

To find out more about our intent for the RE curriculum, the RE policy and overviews with summaries of each unit across school, please return to the RE home page.
