
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Mrs Joint's Christmas Challenge 2020


~ Mrs Joint's Christmas Competition for Year Four ~


As Year Four are having to self-isolate, there is a new competition just for you! It is a simple competition which is split into three parts; however, you may create an entry for each part. You won't need any special materials, just pens, paper and your great thinking!


There will be a prize for each of the categories below and a little treat for each entry (up to three from each child). 


This is completely optional (you only need to enter if you would like to). Many of you have parents working from home, so do work on this on your own - your best is already good enough.


I would like you to create a poster to make every one in school stop and think. Please don't add too much writing It doesn't have to rhyme, but it can. Don't forget to decorate it to make it very attractive and inviting.


Don't use too many words. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best...Read to Succeed! Mistakes are a Step to Success! Maths is for Everyone!


You can choose to make one from any of the following ideas (or you can do one for each):


Maths - make a poster that helps children to understand how important and enjoyable maths is. How does maths help you in life? What makes maths such a brilliant subject? Perhaps your poster could help to encourage children when they are stuck. 


Reading - make a poster that shows how important and enjoyable reading is. How does reading help you in life? What is great about reading?


Being stuck - make a poster to show how important it is to stick at learning when it is challenging. How can you encourage your friends? Why is it important to keep at it? Why not just give up? Can your poster make children celebrate challenge? What is useful about being stuck?



Please keep hold of your entries and there will be a box in school for you to post them into in the first week back. Don't forget to add your name on the back. Many entries will be shared in the newsletter and around school.


I can't wait to see what you come up with. Enjoy!
