
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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EHCP Process

What is an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP)?


An Education, Health & Care Plan or EHCP is a document that sets out the education, health and social care needs of a child or young person aged up to 25, and the support that is necessary to help them achieve their outcomes.


Who needs an EHCP?


EHC plans are for children and young people (age 0-25) who have a special educational need or disability that cannot be met by the support that is already available at their school or college

Most children and young people with special educational needs will have help given to them without the need for an EHC Plan. This is called SEN support.

The purpose of SEN support is to help children achieve the outcomes or learning objectives that have been set for them.

How do I get an EHCP?


An EHC plan can only be issued after a child or young person has gone through the process of EHC needs assessment. At the end of that process, the local authority has to make a decision to issue to issue an EHC Plan or not.


EHCP Flow Chart
