
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Autumn 2



He was the size of a frog, only round and blue. 

He had boggley eyes and spikey tail and I do remember he had ears like a mouse. 


This is a description taken from our new book where the children will journey through the life of this small, shy creature. During this unit they will further develop their descriptions using expanded noun phrases, adverbials and powerful vocabulary. They will also use exclamation sentences and commas in a list. Finally, the children will write the story from the creature's perspective. Keep a look out on this page, he might appear and say hello! 


Reading and Phonics

The children will all start the next stage of phonics, phase 6. Where they will learn spelling rules through exciting and engaging Spelling Investigation lessons. Here the learning is made fun and memorable to enable the learning to 'stick' as well giving the children lots of chance to practise and apply their learning in different contexts. 




The children will be completing a variety of addition and subtraction activities with numbers up to 100. They will learn a variety of different strategies to help them add and subtract. They will learn different terminology that means addition and subtraction. In this unit they will also complete problem solving and reasoning activities. As well as the addition and subtraction unit the children in Year Two will also be completing a money and measurement unit.



In science, the children will notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grows into adults. We will investigate the life-cycles of different animals and compare them to the life-cycle of a human. We will get to see the stages of the life-cycle of a chicken up close!


Religious Education

'Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?' is the title of this half term's unit. Through this unit the children will learn the difference between traditions at Christmas time and the religious elements of Christmas. They will discuss what we are thankful for at Christmas and what Mary and Joseph were thankful for at this time.



This term's unit is called 'Health and Well being'. Through this unit the children will learn about the benefits of relaxation on physical health and well being; strategies to manage different emotions, setting goals and developing a growth mindset. 



The children will be taught how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private. They will learn where to go for help when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.



Year Two will use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries. They will learn to identify key features of a location to say whether it is a city, town, village, coastal or rural area.



The children will discover how artists represent movement and mood in their pieces of art. One of the artists that they will be learning about this half term is Lowry and how he created movement and mood in his famous painting 'Britain at Play'. They will become Lowry for a lesson and recreate this painting.



Year Two will continue to have two PE lessons a week, one lesson of dance and the other invasion games.












