Our Year Four Class Charter
Year Four had sensible discussions about what they wanted their class to look and feel like. We decided that we needed some class rules to ensure that we all knew how to achieve this.
We understand that it is important to recognise and modestly celebrate some of our own skills and attributes.
To do this we:
We also love to share each other's achievements in Year Four. Here are a few:
We are all Unique
In Year Three we have been admiring the natural world around us and how amazing and beautiful it is. We have discovered that many natural objects are unique. We went around the school and looked at the different leaves on the trees. We found out that no two leaves are exactly the same. That is because each leaf is unique just like each member of our class is unique. We discussed how we are unique as a person.
Exploring Our Emotions
We have been exploring our emotions and discussing both positive and negative feelings.
I am happy because it is so close to my Birthday. Sarthak
I am happy because my mum gives me sweets. Donnie
What makes me angry is when I don't get my way. Daniel
I am happy because I see my mum at school. Lacey
I feel happy because I am at school. Kiera
I feel angry when someone hurts me.Wilf
Cuddles from my mum and dad make me feel happy. Amber
We listened to the story 'No Matter What' written by Debi Gliori. The character Small in this story discovers that Large will love him no matter what.
God loves us no matter what....
God is love, whoever lives in love, lives in God and God is in them. John 4:10
We had great fun showing the different emotions that we can sometimes feel with our faces.
Different Feelings
We have been learning how to deal with different feelings, particularly negative ones. We enjoyed listening to the story of 'Joseph and his Coloured Coat'. We discussed the different feelings and emotions Joseph would have felt. We also talked about times when we have felt some of these feelings.
Joseph's 'coat of many colours' was a representation of God's 'light of many colours'.
Genesis 37.3
These are the words that Year Two used to describe Joseph's different feelings.
scared lonely devastated furious emotional
confusion happy joyful angry
forgiving sorry worried lost kind
sad hurt jealous invisible grumpy