
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Our Religious Education Overview - Summary of Units

► First Term in Autumn 


Nursery - Creation/God - Why is the word ‘God’ so important to Christians?

Through the experiences of two young Christians, the children learn that the word God is a name and that Christians believe God is the creator of the universe. They consider the how Christians feel that they should look after the wonder world because they believe that God made it.


Reception - Creation/God Why do Christians try to look after the world?

The children look at what the Bible says about God - as the Creator of the universe, whose name must be respected and kept holy. Through the experiences of young Christians, the children are introduced to the fact that Christians believe they are called by God to care for the world and serve the community. This understanding is related to some of the Anglicans’ ‘Five Marks of Mission.’


Year One - God What do Christians believe God is like?

Through parables like The Lost Son in the Bible, children learn about the Christian belief in God. They explore ideas about God as loving, kind, fair and forgiving, and also as Lord and King.  Examining ‘forgiveness’, they learn about what this means to Christians, and think and ask questions about what the stories may mean to them.


Year Two - Creation Who made the world?

Children consider the Christian belief in God as creator of the world and that this event marks the beginning of the ‘big story’ of the Bible. Through the Bible account, the children explore the idea of the importance of the earth and everything in it to God and His relationship with humans. Children consider examples of what Christians do to say thank you to God for the world and how they should care for it because it belongs to God. Throughout the unit, the children reflect on what it is like to live in an amazing world.


Year Three - Incarnation/God What is the Trinity?

Children Identify the difference between a ‘Gospel’, which tells the story of the life and teaching of Jesus, and a letter. Examining texts about baptism and Trinity, they consider what these might mean to Christians today and describe how Christians understand the Trinity, recognising that many Christians find this understanding challenging. Investigating the use of symbols, stories, poems and art support Christians in their understanding of God the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The children consider how the Trinity is seen in worship (in baptism and prayer, for example) and in the way they live. Through this unit, the class make links between some Bible texts studied and the idea of God in Christianity, expressing clearly some ideas of their own about what the God of Christianity is like.


Year Four - Creation and Fall What do Christians learn from the creation story? 

The children make clear links between Genesis 1 and what Christians believe about God and Creation. They place the concepts of God, Creation and the Fall on a timeline of the Bible’s ‘Big Story’, offering suggestions about what the story of Adam and Eve might show about human nature, their relationship with God and how to act, including how and why Christians may pray and worship God. During this unit, the children consider guidelines that Christians may live their lives by there is opportunity for pupils’ own ideas about how people should behave to be explored.


Year Five - God  - What does it mean if God is holy and loving? 

The children will examine some different types of biblical texts, using technical terms accurately. They will explain connections between biblical texts and Christian ideas of God, using terms such as omnipotent, omniscient and eternal. Connections will be made between the ideas studied and what Christians believe about God; for example, through how churches are designed, how they may worship and how they try to get to know God, appreciating diversity of approaches within Christianity. Through respectful discussions, the children will weigh up how biblical ideas and teachings about God as holy and loving might make a difference in the world today, developing insights of their own.


Year Six - Creation and Fall - Creation and science: conflicting fact or complementary?

The children will consider the importance of Creation on the timeline of the ‘big story’ of the Bible. The children use Genesis 1 and Psalm 8 to consider the purpose of these texts and the different ways in which Christians may interpret these verses; in particular, they will make connections between God the Creator and the responsivities that Christian’s may believe they have as stewards of the world.  The children will show understanding of why many Christians find science and faith go together and weigh up how far the Genesis 1 creation narrative is in conflict, or is complementary, with a scientific account (e.g. does reading Genesis as a poetic account conflict with scientific accounts? Do discoveries of science make Christians wonder even more about the power and majesty of the Creator?).


►Second Term in Autumn


Nursery - Incarnation - Why is Jesus’ birth important? Why do Christians perform plays at Christmas?

The children look at Bible stories of Jesus’ birth that take on such huge importance for Christians because for them he is not just a special baby and a ‘royal baby’, but a human baby - God ‘in the flesh’, and whom they call ‘God’s Son’. The stories told at Christmas cover a span of about three years, but all get told together. Children learn about two young believers’ experiences at church, singing carols and performing nativity plays telling the news of God coming to earth. Children consider how events centre on this reminder of God’s love for people, a bit like birthdays of friends and family’s love. There is also an emphasis on learning how Christians try to share the love that they believe they receive, with others.


Reception - Incarnation - What makes every single person unique and precious?

The children move on from learning about how Christians believe Jesus’ life shows just how important all people are, since Christians believe that if God was prepared to send his Son to live as a human, it must be because he loves humans, and because they are worth it. These ideas are related to ‘welcoming’ each Sunday in church and through christenings (baptisms). Through two examples of young Christians and Jesus’ commandments in the New Testament, the children connect this learning to the importance of looking after each other and how this is call to care is seen in other religions.


Year One - Festivals - What are festivals and why do we have them? 

Children learn what celebrations and festivals are. They discover that people celebrate for many reasons, but that most festivals are connected to stories -Diwali, Purim and Advent are festivals of different faiths, but all are joyful remembrance of stories from sacred texts. Children investigate how Diwali, Purim and Advent are celebrated by believers and stories that are connected to these times (e.g. The Hindu story linked with Diwali is the Ramayana, Purim is celebrated by Jews and remembers the story of Esther, Advent is a Christian period of preparation for Jesus’ birth and Diwali is shared by Hindus and Sikhs).


Year Two - Incarnation - Why does Christmas matter to Christians?

Through this unit, Year Two learn about how Christians believe that Jesus is God and that he was born as a baby in Bethlehem. They learn about how he accounts of His birth in the Gospels showed that He was extraordinary (e.g., He is worshipped as a king, in Matthew) and that he came to bring good news (for example, to the poor, in Luke). The children learn about how Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth (e.g., Advent is a time of getting ready for Jesus’ coming) and decide what they personally have to be thankful for at Christmas time.


Year Three - Exploring festivals of light? - Exploring festivals from different religions, and the symbolism within these.

To deepen the children’s understand of festivals as celebrations of religious stories, they explore how light and dark are symbols of good and evil in many faiths. This unit considers how Jesus is believed by Christians as the Light of the world, and the Bible records His command that His followers also shine as lights. Children explore a number of festivals which focus on the symbolism of light: All Saints (celebrates  goodness, hope and light.), Christingle (to deepen an understanding of Advent and Salvation), Diwali, (a festival of light for many) and the Jewish festival of Hanukkah (festival of lights).


Year Four - Incarnation/God - What is the Trinity? Digging deeper to explore beliefs about God.

Year Four deepen their understanding of what texts about God might mean. They examine the Christian belief in God as Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As part of this, the children learn that Christians believe the Holy Spirit is God’s power at work in the world and in their lives today, enabling them to follow Jesus. The children recognise that for Christians, understanding God may be challenging, and that people spend their whole lives learning more and more about God. Through this study, the children give examples of what the Bible texts studied mean to some Christians and describe how they show their beliefs about God the Trinity in the way they choose to live. The children have opportunities to respectfully reflect on their learning and express some ideas of their own clearly.


Year Five - Incarnation - Was Jesus the Messiah?

Children explain the place of Incarnation and Messiah within the ‘big story’ of the Bible. They identify Gospel and prophecy texts, using technical terms. Children make connections between biblical texts, Incarnation and Messiah, using theological terms and recognise that for Christians, Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection were part of a longer plan by God to restore the relationship between humans and God.  The children show how Christians put their beliefs about Jesus’ Incarnation into practice in different ways in celebrating Christmas. Children comment on how the idea that Jesus is the Messiah makes sense in the wider story of the Bible and weigh up how far the idea that Jesus is the Messiah — a Saviour from God — is important in the world today and, for believers, what difference that might make in people’s lives.


Year Six - What matters most? - An exploration of values for Humanists and faith members

Children learn what Christians mean about humans being made in the image of God and being ‘fallen’, connecting this concept to the ‘Big Story‘ of the Bible. Children describe some Christian and Humanist values simply and recognise some examples of similarities and differences. There is opportunity for the children to express their own ideas about some big moral concepts, such as fairness, honesty, freedom, truth, peace and reason, comparing these with the ideas of others they have learnt about. They apply these ideas to understanding a Humanist approach to life’s milestones (e.g. birth and marriage) and key beliefs (e.g. what happens when we die). The children suggest reasons why it might be helpful to follow a moral code and why it might be difficult. Within this unit, there is the opportunity to consider how the Humanist’s ‘Golden Rule’ can be compared to similar beliefs held in other faith communities.


►First Term of Spring


Nursery - A special book for Christians - Why are some stories special?

Children consider that for Christians, the Bible is a very special book from which they can read stories about God and Jesus. Through this, they learn that stories can teach people things - Christians believe that Jesus told stories to explain important ideas. Children learn that there are other faiths and these also have stories that have important meanings.


Reception - Why are some stories special? - What are parables?

Children consider that for Christians, the Bible is a very special book from which they can read stories about God and Jesus. Through this, they learn that stories can teach people things and that Christians believe that Jesus told stories to explain important truths to people. The children learn to recognise some of these stories as parables and that they have a deep meaning. Children learn that there are other faiths and these also have lots of stories that carry important meanings.


Year One - Islam - What do Muslims believe? 

During this unit, children learn that Muslims are people who follow the faith called Islam. They believe in one God, Allah, and through learning about Allah’s ninety-nine names, the children understand more about what Muslims believe God’s character is like. The children also learn about the Qur’an, which for Muslims, is the special book that contains the holy words of Allah to Muhammad, God’s messenger.


Year Two - Islam - What can we learn from a mosque? 

Children learn that Muslims believe there is no God but Allah (Allah is One - Tawhid) and that he is without equal. They learn that for Muslims, the Qur’an is Allah’s final revelation to humanity, and was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic. Year Two explore the mosque as a place of worship and learning, led by an Imam. They find out about the key features, artefacts and symbols found in a mosque and investigate how they all have explicit meaning. As part of this unit, the children find out about Salat (prayer) which is often offered five times a day at set times. 


Year Three - Hinduism - What do Hindu’s believe?

Children learn that Hindus recognise Brahman as the one supreme deity or universal soul found in everything. They consider how, for Hindus, aspects of Brahman are personified in many forms (deities, murti), each of which help them to understand aspects of Brahman’s being, and allows believers worship in ways that help them. The children will learn aboust Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Krishna, Rama, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Ganesha. They will also investigate how dance and music are important in helping Hindus to worship and celebrate. During this unit, the children will learn about HIndu festivals including Holi. Children also learn that astrology is important to Hindus and help decide the name given to new babies. 


Year Four - Hinduism - What can we learn from a Mandir?

Children investigate how Hindus worship both at home or in a Mandir, connecting practices with their understanding of Hindu beliefs. Children recognise the diversity found within Hinduism as well as the common practices, such as puja and arti as Hindu worship. Children explore the place of the mandir in the life of a Hindu and recognise the key features, artefacts and symbols found there; they learn that for Hindus, all of these features have explicit meanings. The celebration of the Raksha Bandhan festival provides further insight into Hindu beliefs and priorities and enable the children to reflect on the values shown in these practices and how they may be seen in their own lives.


Year Five - Islam - What can we learn about belief from the five pillars?

Children extend their knowledge of the five pillars (or duties). They learn about beliefs and practices related to: 

· Shahadah  - ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger’

· Salat  - Prayer five times a day

· Zakah - Almsgiving

· Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan

· Hajj - Pilgrimage

Children explore how these pillars may influence Muslims’ daily lives and also examine key celebrations for Muslims which are linked with two  pillars: Id-ul-Fitr – celebrating the end of Ramadan and Id-ul-Adha - celebrating the end of Hajj.


Year Six - Islam - What does it mean to live as a Muslim today?

Children describe the Five Pillars of Islam and understand ways in which these affect the every day lives of Muslims and the values that are held. The children make connections between Muslim practice of the Five Pillars and a believer’s understanding about God and the Prophet Muhammad. Children comment thoughtfully on the value and purpose of religious practices and rituals in a Muslim’s daily life. Children identify reasons why the Holy Qur’an is important to Muslims, and how it makes a difference to how they live. In addition, they describe other forms of guidance a Muslim uses and which forms may be used at different times. Children consider the way in which they may receive and accept guidance in life.


► Second Term of Spring


Nursery - Salvation - Why do Christians put a cross in the Easter garden?

Children learn about what the Bible says about the last days of Jesus’ work on Earth, from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ resurrection. They explore the use of Easter symbols and customs connected to Jesus’ death and resurrection that lie at the heart of the Christian Easter celebration; for example, through an Easter garden, the children learn about  the women finding the tomb empty and Jesus alive. Children explore how Christian asking for forgiveness, saying sorry to God (repenting) and consider how it can be hard to forgive or accept forgiveness. Children begin to consider how The Lord’s Prayer, the one that Jesus taught his followers, asks God for forgiveness in line with people’s willingness to forgive others.


Reception - Salvation - How can we help others when they need it?

Children learn about what Christians believe Jesus said and taught about how to love other people. His teaching is found in the Bible; in this, it is recorded that Jesus gave two great commandments: ‘Love God’ and ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37) applies the great commandments to a real-life situation. It encourages Christians to act as a ‘neighbour’ when someone is in need. Children also learn about Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) as the day for being ‘shriven’ (receiving God’s forgiveness after confessing your sins to a priest) and Ash Wednesday, the start of forty days of Lent, a time of preparing for Good Friday and Easter. For Christians, Jesus is the Saviour who came to earth, loving and helping people, and giving his life to save them


Year One - Salvation - Why is Easter important to Christians?

Children recognise that Incarnation and Salvation are part of a ‘big story’ of the Bible. Children listen to stories of Holy Week and Easter from the Bible and recognise a link with the ideas of hope and salvation (Jesus rescuing people through rising again). They examine ways in which Christians show their beliefs about Jesus’ death and resurrection in church worship at Easter. Children also consider how Christians believe that Jesus gives instructions about how to behave. During this unit, there are opportunities for children to think, talk and ask questions about whether the story of Easter has anything to say to them about sadness and hope.


Year Two - Salvation - Digging deeper into why Easter matter to Christians.

Children further consider the importance of Easter in the ’Big story’ of the Bible, linking these to concepts of Incarnation (God on Earth in human form) and Salvation (Jesus rescuing people). Through stories related to Holy Week and Easter from the Bible, the children consider the link with the idea of Salvation and how Christians believe that Jesus gives instructions about behaviour. Learning about worship, the children investigate examples of how Christian beliefs of death and resurrection are seen in church at Easter. Children think, talk and ask questions about whether the story of Easter has anything to say to them about sadness, hope or heaven.


Year Three - Salvation - Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?

Children place Creation and Fall, Incarnation, Gospel and Salvation within a timeline of the Bible’s ‘big story’. Examining the account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and His death and resurrection, the children consider what these may mean to some Christians. As part of this, the children make simple links between the Gospel texts and how Christians mark the Easter events in their church communities, including how Christians show their beliefs about Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday in worship. Making links between some of the stories and teachings in the Bible, the children consider how parts of Easter week impact a Christian’s life in the world today and reflect on their own ideas in relation to this.


Year Four - Salvation - Digging deeper into how Christians call the day Jesus died as Good Friday. 

Children offer suggestions about what the narrative of the Last Supper, Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s denial might mean and give examples of what the texts studied mean to some Christians. Clear links are made between Gospel texts and how Christians remember, celebrate and serve on Maundy Thursday, including Holy Communion. They understand that Christians today trust that Jesus really did rise from the dead, and so is still alive today. Children describe how believers show their beliefs about Jesus in their everyday lives: for example, through prayer, serving, sharing the message and the example of Jesus. Respectfully, children raise questions and suggest answers about how serving and celebrating, remembering and betrayal, trust and standing up for your beliefs might make a difference to how they and others think and live.


Year Five - Salvation - What did Jesus do to save human beings?

The children refocus on the timeline of the ‘big story’ of the Bible, explaining how Incarnation and the need for God to save people (Salvation) fit within it. Children explain what Christians mean when they say that Jesus’ death was a sacrifice, using theological terms. Children suggest meanings for narratives of Jesus’ death and  resurrection, comparing their ideas with ways in which Christians interpret these texts. Children make clear connections between the Christian belief in Jesus’ death as a sacrifice and how Christians celebrate Holy Communion/Lord’s Supper, showing how Christians put their beliefs into practice through sometimes sacrificing their own needs to focus on the needs of others.  Reflecting, children weigh up the value and impact of ideas of sacrifice in their own lives

and the world today


Year Six - Salvation - What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?

Children outline the timeline of the ‘big story’ of the Bible, explaining the place within it of the ideas of Incarnation and Salvation. They suggest meanings for resurrection accounts, and compare their ideas with ways in which Christians interpret these texts, showing awareness of the centrality of the Christian belief in Resurrection. Children explain connections between Luke 24 and the Christian concepts of Sacrifice, Resurrection, Salvation, Incarnation and Hope, using theological terms. Further links are made between the Christian belief in the Resurrection and how Christians worship on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, recognising diversity of practice. Thinking deeply, children explain why some people find belief in the Resurrection inspires and reassures them (e.g., through the hope of new life now and in Heaven), and offer and justify their own responses as to what difference belief in Resurrection might make to how people respond to challenges and problems in the world today; this includes considering views about life after death and how these impact how loved ones lives are celebrated.


First Term of Summer


Nursery - Church - What happens in our Church?

The children explore how worship is a time for Christians to learn more about God and themselves. They learn that worship can take place in different places including school and church. Church, a special building for Christians, is a special place to worship God and prayer is an important part of this worship. The children recognise that a church school is linked to a parish church and is part of the parish community. As part of this, they understand that visitors from the church, like Father Graham, help us in school. 


Reception - Where do we go to pray? - What does it mean being a church school?

This unit explores the meaning of being a Church school. It helps pupils to appreciate that worship is an important part of the Church school day and explores some of the elements of worship. It also explores the links between the school, the parish church, and the parish church community. Children learn that, for Christians, worship is a time to learn more about God, themselves and each other. They understand that worship can take place in different places including school and church. Through a visit to St. Thomas’, they learn  about a local church - a special building for Christians and a special place to worship God. They understand that visitors from the Parish and other local churches contribute to the life of the school.


Year One - How do Christians talk to God? Why do Christians pray?

Children consider how Christians believe that prayer is a way of connecting with God at any time and in any place - that prayer is about listening to God as well as talking to Him. Children consider how Christians pray in different ways and for different reasons (e.g., to say thank you, sorry or please). This unit explores how the Bible contains some prayers and songs of worship that Christians often use, such as the Lord’s Prayer. 


Year Two - Gospel - What is the good news that Jesus brings?

Children consider stories from the Bible and link concept of Bible texts (such as the story of Matthew the tax collector) to what these may mean to Christians. Through the stories, the children understand further that Christians believe that Jesus gives instructions for how to behave. Within this unit, the children explore examples of how Christians follow the teachings studied about being loved by God, forgiveness and peace, and bringing good news to the friendless. Christians believe Jesus’ teachings make people think hard about how to live and show them ways to live (e.g., being a friend to the poor). Children think, talk and ask questions to explore whether Jesus’ ‘good news’ is only good news for Christians, or if Jesus brings good news for all people.


Year Three - Kingdom of God - When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?

Children make clear links between the story of the Day of Pentecost and Christian belief about the Kingdom of God on Earth. They make simple links between the description of the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of God, and how Christians live their whole lives and in their church communities. They tackle the Christian belief that after Jesus returned to be with God the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to help the followers to live lives that reflect the love of God. Children make connections between Christian ideas about the Kingdom of God explored in the Bible and what people believe about following God in the world today (i.e., Jesus’ whole life was a demonstration of his belief that God is King, not just in heaven but here and now - Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’). Within this unit, children have the opportunity to respectfully express some of their own ideas.


Year Four - Gospel - What kind of world did Jesus want?

Children make simple links between Bible texts and the concept of ‘Gospel’ (good news), which tells the story of the life and teaching of Jesus. Children link between the calling of the first disciples and how Christians today try to follow Jesus and be ‘fishers of people’. The children use stories, such as Jesus’ actions towards the leper, to know that Christians try to put Jesus’ teaching and example into practice in lots of ways, from church worship to social justice. Children connect Bible stories studied and the importance of love, and life in the world today, expressing some ideas of their own clearly and reflecting respectfully on what motivates and challenges them and others to act with compassion. 


Year Five - The Arts in Faith - How do people express their faith through the arts?

Through this unit, children understand that art forms can be used to express deep feelings and emotions and that people can express their religious faith through the arts, including:

· pieces of art

· sculpture

· drama

· music,

· dance

· literature/poetry

Children explore how some religious ideas and beliefs are easier to express through the arts, including dance in Hinduism and art in Islam. They  recognise the diversity of the way in which art is used by believers and that not all religions express themselves through arts in the same way (i.e., that there may be specific limitations set in order for these to remain respectful and appropriate).


Year Six - People of God - How can following God bring freedom and justice?

Children explain connections between the story of Moses and the concepts of freedom and salvation and recognise these in the ‘Big story’ in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. They make clear links between Bible texts and what Christians believe about how they should behave. They explain ways in which some Christians put their beliefs into practice by trying to bring freedom to others. Children comment on how Bible texts about freedom and justice are helpful or inspiring and evaluate how Christians put their beliefs about living as the People of God into practice in different ways: for example, through the Church of England’s Five Marks of Mission, in community and individually. Children weigh up how Christian ideas about justice relate to the issues, challenges and opportunities of my their own lives and the world today, developing insights of their own.


► Second Term of Summer


Nursery - Important People - Am I special?

Children think about how every person is important, special, precious and unique. They learn that  Christians believe every person is created by God in His image ant that God wants a special friendship with the people He has made. They learn that, for Christians, the most special person is Jesus. Children relate their learning to special people within other faiths represented within the class or school. Through this learning, children recognise that because we are all special, they need to treat others with respect and value everyone around them. 


Reception - Being Special - Who are special people?

Children consider how every person is special, precious and unique. They remember that Christians believe every person is created by God in His  image and that God wants a relationship with the people He has created. Children recognise that the most special person for Christians is Jesus and they know who is important to any other members of faith communities in the class or school. The children learn that Christians and other people of faith try to help each other as everyone is important. There is an opportunity to talk to members of faith communities to ask them how they try to help others and what motivates them to act as they do. As we are all special the children understand the need to respect other people as valued and important.


Year One - Making a difference in the world - How do we, and people from faith communities, show environmental stewardship?

Children look carefully at the need to care for our world. They identify and respond to values about caring expressed through faith stories. They learn that their class is a community made up of different, valued individuals, relating this to an understanding of being part of a wider global community. They consider who cares for them, and how they can respond to this and give care to others. Using this understanding, they describe how other communities, and those in religious communities, show care.


Year Two - Faith in action - What is faith and what difference does it make?

This unit explores people of faith in the Bible, especially the Old Testament. Children learn from people of faith in history and more recently, who can help them to understand how faith makes a difference. By listening to the experience of people of faith in the local community (e.g., visitors, members from local churches or other faith communities), the children explore why their faith makes a difference to them. This unit explores how faith is shared with others and also provides an opportunity for the children to consider the worldwide dimensions of faith.


Year Three - People of God - Promises - What is it like to follow God?

Children make clear links between the story of Noah and the idea of covenant. This supports them in understanding that the People of God in the Bible try to live in the way that God wants them to, following commands and worshipping Him. They explore how Christians believe that God’s promise to stay with them is upheld over time. Children apply their understanding, making connections between promises in the story of Noah and promises that Christians make at a wedding ceremony. Children use their understanding to reflect on how we live in school and the wider world.


Year Four - Rites of Passage - Is life like a journey?

Children learn about steps that people may take on their individual life journeys, investigating key rites of passage – birth, adulthood, marriage and death. Special journeys will also be a focus; therefore, the children will examine these in religious narrative including journeys in the Bible and within other faith stories. Children will learn about those who take part in pilgrimages and and understand the place of this within various faiths, especially Islam and Hinduism, but also within Christianity and Judaism. Through this learning, the children will reflect on what it means to take a personal journey and respond personally to the way in which these could include highs, lows, supporters and new learning.


Year Five - Kingdom of God - What kind of King do Christians believe Jesus to be?  

Children will explain connections between Biblical texts and the concept of the Kingdom of God. They consider different possible meanings for the texts studied, showing awareness of different interpretations. They make clear links between belief in the Kingdom of God and how Christians put their beliefs into practice in different ways, including in obedience to God,  worship and in service to the community. The children relate Christian teachings or beliefs about God’s Kingdom to the issues, problems and opportunities of their own lives and the life of their own community in the world today, offering insights about whether or not the world could or should learn from Christian ideas.


Year Six - The World-wide Christian Community - What is the world wide church?

Children consider what is meant by ‘church’ and link this to the ‘big story’ and Pentecost. Continuing to recognise diversity within Christianity, the children consider a range of churches (and different denominations) locally, identifying similarities within the diversity of approach and practice. Looking further afield, the children learn that Christians belong to a wider world community; they learn about churches overseas and how the work of these may mean that churches are connected together (e.g., a church in England supporting a church community building project). This unit is an opportunity for children to reflect on how worship reflects the culture of the community in which it takes place and to challenge stereotypes about Christians and the church. 

