
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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World Links

'Our outward-looking approach encourages and equips children to become mature young adults who are prepared for the ever-changing world.' 


At Berkswich CE, we want all children to see that they have a part to play in challenging injustice around the world. Therefore, we are members of the Global Neighbours Scheme. This is an accredited resource developed by Christian Aid. 


World Wide Links:



Having written our class Christmas cards to our link school in Germany - Evangelische Schule Walkendorf - we were amazed to receive our own Christmas cards back. This is a very exciting project for us, kindly organised by Father Graham.  


Spain and Zimbabwe

We are embarking on a new project that involves linking with JIBC (Javea Intentaional Baptist Church) in Spain, to raise money and awareness for a charity in Zimbabwe. 


Acacia is a non-profit charity working in Mazwi Village, Zimbabwe.  It helps by assisting the community and children in all aspects of life. The young children attend the recently built, ECD (Early Child Development) centre, to get them ready for starting school. Children are sponsored to attend the ECD centre and then on to full time education. Without sponsorship the children of Mazwi village wouldn’t be able to attend school at all. The sponsorship provides, uniform, books, lunch etc.


Many of us take going to school, having three meals a day, clean water and basic hygiene for granted. Through this project, we aim to equip our children with the knowledge, skills and confidence to act against inequality and work towards a world free of poverty.

