
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Stop-frame Animation

Stop-frame Animation

We have had a brilliant time creating our own Imotion videos in Year Three!


The children have explored what a stop-frame video entails. After investigating a range of examples, they discovered that the videos were collated images. To begin, the children used the corners of post it notes to create a flip book-style animation. See a wonderful example below!


Using the IMotion app the school IPads, the children began creating their own stop motion videos. As a class, using our knowledge from the previous lesson, we thought of a check list to follow when making a video. One child suggested 'keeping the device still' and another suggested 'keeping the same prop throughout'. Great suggestions, Year Three!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

After planning the videos and creating props, the children got on to filming their videos!

They explored the option of using 'onion skinning' which allowed them to see a faint example of their previous shot! With great skill, reviewing and improving, the children created a range of creative stop-frame videos. Well done, everyone!
