
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Year Six

Year Six Leavers 2024


Autumn One


Brilliant Buddies!

Year Six have been learning target games in their PE lessons. They carefully designed a range of target games for their Reception buddies and they ran the entire lesson independently. It is great to see Year Six developing their leadership skills in school and being excellent role models.



As part of our learning in PE, Year Six have learnt about feinting where they make a movement to deceive their opponent on their intended direction. They have applied this skill to a range of running and target games so that they can successfully dodge the other team.

Year Six Leavers 2023

Autumn One

Year Six thoroughly enjoyed their small-sided games this half term. They learnt to dodge and catch, and tackle a range of throwing techniques where they developed their accuracy.

Autumn Two

Year Six have worked incredibly hard creating gymnastic routines in groups. They have learnt individual balances as well as complex group balances. They considered travelling and creating ways to smoothly enter and exit these lifts. Please enjoy these photos that give a glimpse into the fantastic routines that have been created.

Autumn Two

Please enjoy our interpretation of Bharatanatyam dance, one of the classic Indian dance forms.

Spring One

Year Six have loved developing their cricket skills: bowling, batting and fielding. What great examples of sportsmanship and resilience everyone demonstrated in our final lessons playing whole class games. 

Summer One

Working at the Walton Tennis Club, the children have tackled their fitness levels, rehearsed skills and enjoyed applying these in team games. It has been great to hear them talk through their organisation and work as a team to play strategically. 
