
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Spring One

Poetry will be the focus of our reading and writing lessons this term. Children will develop their understanding of poetry and learn a range of poetic techniques by reading and analysing a variety of poems. Children will have the opportunity to be creative and apply learnt techniques to their own poems, using the examples studied as their inspiration. Children will end the unit by learning the poem, Macavity by T.S Eliot, off by heart. I am excited to share the wonders of poetry with you, Year Five!



This term, will be building on our multiplication and division knowledge, learning how to use column multiplication and short division to multiply and divide increasingly large numbers. After this, the children will learnt more about fractions which will include multiplying fractions by fractions and whole numbers. Problem solving is embedded within every lesson, allowing children to build and develop this vital skill.


Physical Education:  

We are excited to be having a PE lesson lead by Staffordshire Cricket every Wednesday morning. We will also be attending tennis lessons with Mr Proud every Thursday afternoon at the tennis courts.



It's a 'Material World' that we're living in! This term, we are exploring properties and changes of materials. Children will be considering properties of materials and comparing and grouping together everyday materials based on their properties. Children will be carrying out fair tests to answer various scientific enquiries linked to changes of materials, such as dissolving and melting.



The Explosion of Pop Art! During this term, we are going to be exploring the world of pop art and look further into artists such as Eduardo Paolozzi, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. We will be comparing UK and American pop art as well as creating our own pop art creations using printing and other techniques. 



This Spring term, we are going back to the Tudors, exploring beliefs, such as Henry VIII's decision to break with the Catholic church and travel and exploration, looking further into Sir Walter Raleigh and his expeditions. We will also dive into conflict, investigating 'The War of the Roses' and the important part this played in starting the Tudor rule. Thinking about significant artefacts, we will investigate the Globe Theatre in London and what it teaches us about the Tudors. 



We are flying across the Atlantic to North America during the Spring term where will be locating significant rivers and mountains and comparing and contrasting the physical and human diversity of areas of high and low latitude. We will be investigating the differences between metropolitan and cosmopolitan and comparing and contrasting the housing for a typical person in Mexico City and in New York City, whilst exploring the phrase 'primate city'. At the end of this unit, the children will be able to explain why pollution in a river affects more than one population, using the Rio Grande as an example.


What can we learn about belief from the five pillars?

Children extend their knowledge of the five pillars (or duties). They learn about beliefs and practices related to: 

· Shahadah  - ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger’

· Salat  - Prayer five times a day

· Zakah - Almsgiving

· Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan

· Hajj - Pilgrimage. 

Children explore how these pillars may influence Muslims’ daily lives and also examine key celebrations for Muslims which are linked with two  pillars: Id-ul-Fitr – celebrating the end of Ramadan and Id-ul-Adha - celebrating the end of Hajj.
